
  • Be Still and Know ~ Text from Psalm 46; SSAATTBB and piano.

Live performance of Be Still and Know by Voces Pacis at Guild Chapel, Statford-upon-Avon, England. Conducted by Dr. Stephen Holcomb and accompanied by Dr. Jerry Aultman.

  • The Charge of the Light Brigade ~ Poetry by Lord Alfred Tennyson; TTBB and piano.

Live performance of Charge of the Light Brigade by Tamerick Brazzell, Michael Hamilton, Joey Goodale, Gabriel Ethridge, Jeremy Duncan, Gabriel Kunda, Nathan Lowe, Christian Hill, Derek Stull, Colton Key, and Jesse Leicht (men’s chorus) and Owen Griffin (piano); conducted by Karina Baruca.

  • Mass in A: A Soundtrack of Grace ~ Traditional text in Latin, Greek and English; SSATB, electric guitar, harp, strings.

Performance of Mass in A: A Soundtrack of Grace, 1 - "Kyrie" by the Dallas Baptist University Grand Chorus; conducted by Dr. Stephen Holcomb. Soloists: Megan Langemann (soprano); Gabriel Ethridge (tenor).

Performance of Mass in A: A Soundtrack of Grace, 2 - "Gloria" by the Dallas Baptist University Grand Chorus; conducted by Dr. Stephen Holcomb. Soloists: Gabriel Ethridge (tenor); Joey Goodale (baritone).

Performance of Mass in A: A Soundtrack of Grace, 3 - "Credo" by the Dallas Baptist University Grand Chorus; conducted by Dr. Stephen Holcomb.

Performance of Mass in A: A Soundtrack of Grace, 4 - "Sanctus" by the Dallas Baptist University Grand Chorus; conducted by Dr. Stephen Holcomb. Soloists: Megan Langemann (soprano); Gabriel Ethridge (tenor).

Performance of Mass in A: A Soundtrack of Grace, 5 - "Agnus Dei" by the Dallas Baptist University Grand Chorus; conducted by Dr. Stephen Holcomb. Soloists: Megan Langemann (soprano); Bonnie Lanicek (alto); Gabriel Ethridge (tenor).